Monday, October 24, 2011

Scleroderma and The Journey Begins!

My mother passed away with an unknown disease call “Scleroderma” this disease has no cure. I know that my goal is to help people recognize the symptoms and try to help find a cure. This does not only strike elderly people, this disease strikes kids too.
The start of this disease is from an autoimmune disorder and will turn into the Scleroderma.
My mother’s story as I remember.  I was just a little girl when my mother Linda Davidson would complain of her hand and feet hurting with pain from that of being cold. This was because there was no circulation of blood flow within her hands or feet. My mother had “Reynolds Disease” this is the reason for her hands and feet becoming painful, white and black. My mother would have our house so hot in the winter time that we were the only house on the block with our front door open during the winter time.
As time passed she would complain that she was tired but she kept on going. My mother was not a complainer. You actually never knew when she was sick. My mother was not a selfish person for she adopted my sister and me.  My mother did not get sick until the last 5 years of her life.
 July 1997
My mother was attacked by the Scleroderma in her liver. She went to the doctor because she looked 10 months pregnant, but she could not have kids. I went with her, I did not like the looks of her stomach. When we went to the doctor he told her it was just water retention and she needed to take 20 water pills in the am and 20 in the pm. I was not ok with that and told her to go elsewhere. She asked her doctor for a referral and got the ok.
October 1997
My mother went to Virginia Mason in Seattle WA, this is where they told her the news that the Scleroderma had taken over her liver and that she would have 1-2 years to live. I will never forget that day because I did not want to believe I was losing my mother. I wanted to fight this thing and do what I could to help. I needed to find answers.
November 1997
The days started getting bad for my mother. She had to go back and forth to Seattle for tests. They put her on a waiting list for a liver transplant. That was the start of the longest days as I can remember. My sister and I would take the kids to moms to visit because we wanted them to have all the time they could. She had 1-2 years to live and we wanted them to have those memories with her.
The day before Thanksgiving was busy but when I went to my mothers to remind her of what to take to my sisters. That is when it all started. I found my mother out of it moaning and unresponsive. I was told by my grandmother that she had been like this for hour. I then called my dad up from his room downstairs.  This was a scary sight I do not wish anyone to go through!
That night we had to take here into the hospital by calling 911 and that is when she was admitted for the first of many times. We found out that her ammonia level in her body was too high. They had to give her several different things and try to keep it down.
This Thanksgiving was just the first holiday of many that we would be without her. This was heart breaking as it did not seem like a holiday without her. I remember everyone sitting around and talking but My Grandmother and myself trying to keep it together, not to cry. I wanted to be strong. This was a very hard time for me because I was divorcing and had 2 young kids. I had a lot going on and I needed my mother.  

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I am selling the Crochet Items

I am selling the crochet Items as follows:

Belts - $5.00
Hats - $10.00
Swim suits - $ 30 and up
Blankets - $ 25.00 and up
Christmas stuff is from 5.00 to 25.00

Hat and belt

Here is some hats and belts